Are you ready to

Shift your business performance?

There is a large grey area when it comes to running your business well. It can be hard to make the decisions that count, that will have the most impact, when you're doing all the things.That's not just you - none of us know what we don't know. That's where I come in. Let me help you see what's going on.The best way to have a business that brings you joy is to have a business that's performing.Together, we'll increase your business performance by at least 15%* in 20 minutes a day.

You know your business, but you don't yet feel like you've got the skills you need, to make the daily decisions that count.You keep waking up at 3am, thinking of 6,543 things you still haven't done this week. Wondering which of those is the most important thing.But that will change when we work together.Let's create a business with results you're proud of. Become more performance literate and increase your focus on what matters most.Build skills that are commercially robust and create traction to achieve your goals.

Why do you need me?

🚗You want to take control of your business and get back in the driver’s seat💸You know you're so close to generating the income that fuels the life you want to be living, and need help with making that happen.🤔 You'd like to feel more like you know what the heck you're doing every day when it comes to the business side of things, and to see what's really happening so you can improve your strategic thinking🧠 It would feel SO darned good being able to make faster, better decisions based on a blend of gut and logic and know you've done the best thing for you, your business, your team and your customers.📊 You want to level up your acumen and to learn long-term business performance skills🤗 And, perhaps most of all, you'd like to feel validated. Because what you might not realise, is that it's a bit bloody lonely being in business. And it is hard to do this on your own. Everything gets easier with shared perspective.

With space to think you can see more

and then things change (for the better)

Better business performance comes from the ability to step back, evaluate, see what's going on, then make adjustments as you get stuck back into action mode. Easier said than done though, right?Here's where you come to circuit break that. I'm renowned for my ability to see if for what it is; say like it is; and help you understand that in a way that works for you to be able to chance the things you need to.That results in better performing business and a more sane (and even joyful!) business owner.Using insights that work for your brain, you'll be confident to take the right action to generate better outcomes - right across your business.And, here's my good news: once you've learned how to do it, you can do that in less time than you expect.Instead of faffing round and endlessly writing to do lists (yet still feeling like you're not making progress) - I'll teach you how you can increase your business effectiveness by at least 15% in 20 minutes a day or less.Less than 5% of your time for all the upside of banking more profits and feeling less stress - that's worth doing huh?You're going to learn how to be effective. To think better. To make quicker, more accurate decisions. And that is going to shift things forward.Playing to your strengths, using your grit, you will be able to shape your business into something you’re bloody proud to own.

A business that is fun to run.
Where you create financial freedom for you & your family.
A business with a legacy.

We'll work well together if you're an on-to-it business founder who is great at your craft.Yet you're now leading a team and some days that freaks you out a bit with the weight of that responsibility.You really want to get out of fire fighting mode and off the tools. Not to mention being able able to taking a holiday without coming back to a combusted pile of custard!If you want to be the business owner with your head, heart and action where it needs to be then this is your place.You’re bloody awesome for getting this far. Let’s take that and make your commercial thinking sharper, so you can make things even more awesome and go even further.

Let's do it: Strategic Insights

If it's measured, it gets done.Keep your eye on performance, regardless of who's doing the do

It feels like "just one more thing" to have a finger on the pulse of your business performance every day.But if you have data and the right information at your fingertips, and know how to use those, you'll make faster decisions. You'll always know what's going on & what's working, or what needs to change in your business.And you can double down on that good stuff.(That's how the big businesses do it, and now you can learn how do it to!)I'll help you get clear on the metrics you need to see so you feel confident in seeing what's really going on. Then, we'll take that and create your custom dashboard. Then, you'll be able to easily see what you need and want to (in a way that works for your brain). Views for you, your team, or different parts ot the business.Customisable so it works. Built on your data sources, with live feeds for instant visibility. Data translated into stories for humans who don't speak data. Performance data that speaks your business lingo.- Focus on what matters
- Convert more sales
- Lift team performance
- Increase productivity & quality
- Be more effective
Custom built business insight dashboard & coaching solutions start at $8567+ GST. Includes strategic consulting + dashboard design & delivery + 90-180 days of high contact supportAll structured to work best for you, depending on your business needs

let's focus: Strategic expertise

Run your business better by being clear on what matters most.Get your focus back where it needs to be.

It's hard to see the bigger picture when you live inside the frame every day.You need someone else's eyes for that kind of perspective.
Being lost inside the maze of business isn't a unique challenge - but how you navigate your way out will be unique to you.
- Find the opportunities and solutions you need to level up performance both short and long term- Get clear on how this business delivers to your personal or family financial freedom- Get you out of overwhelm town and create clarity on what, why and of course, the how.Because learning the how helps you face each day with a bias to the right action.Remembering your why keeps you going when shit gets real.And that focus on what counts, will keep you taking action on the 20% of business effort that will create 80% of your business revenue. This service is about help you do better, without doing more.No matter the size of your business, there are universal concepts you can get confident understanding and looking at every week so you take action where it counts.Get clear. Think big picture. Feel confident to create that big picture in the here and now. Use that confidence to create galvanised action.This is high impact and highly personal business coaching with a strong focus on personal financial freedom + confidence (which is the bit most of us got into business for!)Services start at $1495 +GST / monthly (3 or 6 monthly options available)

Let's lift your team

Sometimes the kids hear it better from mum than from dad...

It's bloody annoying, but sometimes, you'll get more impact from your team when they hear about how to lift performance from someone else.Lifting performance through someone external has two benefits:♥ your team feel the love from being invested in and having someone else sit with them and teach them some new stuff🐝 you get to know that they're hearing what they need to, without you having to do it.📻 One less piece of bandwidth needed.
💥More impactful because this is my jam and I can talk about this all day long!
Together, we'll get clear on what your team need help with. You then hand things over to me to get the conversation underway and setting them up for success. I'll report back with a clear action plan for both of you plus support with ongoing conversations, tips and check ins as needed until you feel confident things are where they need to be.With full reporting back and "on the same page" converations between us, you can use my strengths and expertise in leading others to perform to get them humming while you're out there driving the business further, faster.This service is fully customisable so it works (there are no cookie cutters in sight!)- Get your team clear on expectations
- Identify root causes for not yet great enough performance
- Lift team performance with specific actions and support
- Increase productivity & quality with regular follow ups
- Be more effective and increase team buy in and engagement with your business goals
Custom team performance coaching & training solutions start at $1695+ GST.All structured to work best for you, your team and your individual business needs

When you have space to imagine, you create dreams. When we gather and you learn to use tangible resources, those dreams become a reality.

My clients say things like:

“Alana simply GETS it”"I love that I can see everything, right here, one glance. All at my finger tips. I feel so in control of things!"“I always feel like I get my bum into gear after we’ve been speaking”“You are such a wealth of knowledge and experience - thanks for untangling things so I can take control and be successful”“I’m back in control and feeling relieved I now know how to make this happen”"My gosh that makes it easier to get the team (and me!) focused on what counts"

For over two decades I've matched people with the outcomes they need. For over a decade of that, I led teams to deliver sales, customer & profit outcomes (at scale). Now, I coach, advise and support others to do that in their own businesses.The performance results speak for themselves. They also speak to the tenacity of the business owners who chose to work with me.🔧 Engineering firms moving from consistent negative profit on large projects to job / project profitability over 214%
💰 Increasing owner's salary by 50% (even with sales only lifting 18%)
🏦 Consistent salary banked for the business owner for the first time in 4 years of business ownership.
📈 Revenue increases of over 30%
🚽 A plumbing company able to expand the team without diminishing financial performance (or owner sanity!)
🙌 Staff morale increases of over 30% alongside reduced attrition from 44% to 12.5%.
😎Profit increases over 3 years of 1700%
🏡 New lending possible for the forever home thanks to increasing owner salary to six figures & business profit being increased alongside that year on year.
So when I say at least 15%, you let your imagination go wild on where YOU'LL aim to go! It's your dream, so let's make that a reality.Reckon you and I could work well together?

I know how to get navigate the inherently unpredictable nature of business without losing sight of the big picture.

I know what it is to have big stuff riding on YOU and the toll it takes if you don't have the skills to do that with a sense of control and capability (let alone trying to do that without capacity).I am also a relentless student in better understanding humans.That means I know how to match curious & clever humans with actions to create the outcomes they want and need.Performance outcomes through work smarter, not harder. Less burn out, more impact.I'm committed to upskilling kiwi SME owners to see them become performance literate. Because if we all perform better, and are less stressed, our families feel that, we feel that, and then we're doing some magic stuff out here with our mahi. That's a damned fine business community to be part of.We are a nation of small business, so let's grow the strength to truly be its backbone!

Let's keep in touch

Want to learn & grow for free with me?

Of course you do! You're clever like that 😉Every week I send out 3 tips to increase business performance through better use of strategy, data or working on your mojo (yep, that's my technical term for it)You can read it instead of double scrolling while watching Netflix (and it's bound to be better for you than memes or the latest tik tok sensation!)

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